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A new scene cut from the anime "Akuma-kun" based on the original work by Shigeru Mizuki has been released.

A new scene cut from the anime "Akuma-kun" based on the original work by Shigeru Mizuki has been released.

A new scene cut from the anime "Akuma-kun" based on the original work by Shigeru Mizuki has been released.

“Akuma-kun” will be available worldwide on Netflix starting November 9th. New scene cuts include the main character, the second Akuma-kun/Ichiro Umureki, drawing a magic circle, a scene where he and his partner Mephisto III, who has a demon father and a human mother, confront those involved in the case, and a scene where Mephisto III and Mephisto III Contains battle scenes. Furthermore, Gremory, a demon who will be involved with the devils, and the mysterious being, Strofire, will also appear. We also got a glimpse of the interior of the Millennium Research Institute, which has a suspicious atmosphere.
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